I am doing a Star Rating for Design project, which is scheduled to open in 2021. I have projected AADTs on that road for years 2015 - 2040. I will be doing SRIP with default 20 years analysis period. Which value should I use in coding? - the one for 2020 (current year), the value for the last year of analysis period 2040, or some other value (like averages). Also I would like to know, if the AADT on a road with separated carriageways (which is in default for both directions combined), should be divided by 2 for each carriageway, or should be included as it is for both directions (I have not found clear explanation on this in the iRAP Star Rating and Investment Plan Manual)
The AADT value must be total of both the carriageways even if it is dual carriageway road. No need to make it half. Re- the future AADT value, my suggestion is to take the current year’s value for main analysis and you may use the future AADT value to show how Star Ratings would change if the traffic increases in future.