Accreditation Steps

Hi There,

Two questions; in order to gain accreditation for coding, what are the requirements in

  1. Training (what courses are needed?)
  2. Practice (how many projects, years experience, types of projects, etc?)

Thank you

Hi TIm, thanks for your question.

We recommend you take the Star Rating Essentials and Star Rating for Designs courses. After that, you can apply for accreditation. Renewals of accreditation (after 1 year) take account of experience you may have gained in doing projects.

You can find more info at: Training - iRAP and



Thats great, thanks Greg.

Is there any framework for the level of experience needed in subsequent years to maintain accreditation?


Hi Tim, when renewal time comes we ask you to nominate a project (or can be multiple) that demonstrates your expertise. We may also contact the people/client you did the project for to confirm. If you don’t do a project, we may suggest you take update training.



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