Creating a Project


I would like to ask how do I request for an upgrade to become a creator for research purposes.


Thanks for your question, Tendekayi!
You just need to register on ViDA and request upgrade to creator account user. You will receive a provisional account. This account gives you access to published data and to a sandbox where you can create your reports. If the data you are interested is unpublished, contact data owner directly to request access.
To have a full Creator Account, you need to be an iRAP Accredited Supplier, and/or have an appreciation of the iRAP methodology, know how to interpret iRAP results, and are aware of issues relation to data quality. If you want to know more about our training and accreditation, please see this link or send an email to
I hope this helps. Please let me know. Thanks!

Thank you Alessandra.

I have tried to click on the request to be a creator button but it’s not clicking? Do l need permission for that and if so whom do l ask for the permission


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