If in the figure of SRS for motorcycles I have a large part of the road classified with 1 star, why does the FSI estimate figure all the way with a low green classification? and in the figure of FSI for motorcycles in the blank box the value of 0.57 FSI represents the amount of fatal and serious injuries or is it a percentage?
The FSI estimate shows the FSI distribution based on the fatality estimation (stage 5 of the dataset set-up). FSI estimation maps the expected number of fatalities and serious injuries for the selected road user type in your case motorcyclists. The results can be displayed as before or after implementation of the SRIP and in ‘relative’ or ‘absolute’ terms. Relative shows as a %, while absolute shows as a scale of low to high. In your example the results are showing that the road is fairly high-risk (1-star) but the estimated motorcycle FSIs on that section are low. More info on this report and others is in the ViDA User Guide.