iRAP Accreditation

What types of iRAP accreditation can I apply for?

There are 2 types of accreditation one for the inspection system (survey and coding) and one for activities that are undertaken by individuals. Activity accreditation (available to individuals) is currently available for road surveys, road attribute coding and also for analysis and reporting. For more information see

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We are offering the following types of accreditation:
1- Inspection system (equipment and software) accreditation.
This is for companies that have their own equipment and software and want endorsement that it is able to be used for iRAP-specification surveys and coding. Companies that want to market and sell their equipment and survey seek this accreditation. The price is EUR 7,500 for a 3-year accreditation certificate.

2- iRAP-specification activities (only to individuals):
2.1- Road surveys, which involve image, GPS and distance data collection and speed and flow sampling.
2.2- Road attribute coding, which involves using the survey imagery to record road attributes at fixed intervals.
2.3- Analysis and reporting, which involves using road attribute coding data and other supporting data to create road safety Star Ratings and Safer Roads Investment Plans in the iRAP online software, ViDA. Note that this process may be applied to existing roads and road designs.
The fee for activity accreditation is USD 200 per person per year (or USD 100 per person per year for those living in countries not defined as High Income). A person will pay a maximum of USD 200 (USD 100) per year, regardless of the number of types of accreditation they hold.
The price for training is generally based on how the training is delivered (in person or online), our time required and expenses. For those that want to gain accreditation, a test is administered as part of the training for each activity. This Accreditation is awarded to individuals.
The first accreditation is interim until you have practiced iRAP projects. After one year, renewal accreditation may be awarded based on supplier performance, compliance with iRAP Code of Conduct, client feedback and a renewal fee.
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