No images at passengers side. Please can i know the objects at the passenger side severity (left side)

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I think if you cant see any roadside objects (on left side) then you would code distance >10m and No object

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Thank you SIR

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SIR Please it seems like i did not get it right in my coding will appreciate other suggestions

In this case, the coding used was aggressive vertical face on the basis that we use the worst reasonable case when there is information missing or when there is more than one option. The distance is 1-5m since we can see about 1m of unpaved shoulder.

Thank you Sir. Please I HAVE Another question. How do i code if there are two intersections within a 100 meter segment of a road. Which intersection do i code when a four-leg intersection and three-leg intersection are within a 100 meter stretch of road

Code the worst case option for safety - the options are listed in order of risk in the coding manual

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