The file contains an incorrect number of columns. Please refer to your coding manual

I checked the .csv file and the upload file specs also. I created coding file once more starting from the beginning to eliminate any possible errors. It seems no problem. But still I have “The file contains an incorrect number of columns. Please refer to your coding manual.” error message from VIDA.

Hi …I think its because you have coded some wrong number which has not been included in coding values. Like example if there is one attribute have only 3 options namely 1,2,3 and by mistake you have coded 4 , may be because of this its showing incorrect values or check the copy paste values in excel sheet first.

I have the same problem. I coded it and use the validation tool to find if there are any errors. It has 0% errors but is still failing to upload.

HI Nuria,

You may have an issue with the configuration of your account. In many Latin American countries, a CSV file is not separated by commas “,”, but rather by a semi-colon “;” and the decimal symbol is not a point “.” but rather a comma “,”
Please make sure the settings in your ViDA profile match the CSV configuration of your system. ViDA SSO If you are unsure of the separation symbol and decimal symbol, try opening the your CSV file in the Notepad app.

If this still doesn’t work, try selection and deleting all columns beyond the column BZ (School zone crossing supervisor) and all the rows below the last row of coded data. Sometimes you may have a character such as a space " " that you wont be able to see, but will cause issues for ViDA during processing.

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Thank you for the reply. Indeed I think that is the issue.