Unvalidated Coding Files Post-SRIP Updates

I was checking file where there is low star rating after applying countermeasures in demonstrator, but the core data after file seems to have some issues. Why is the system generating unvalidated coding files after SRIP updates, such as when attributes like Pedestrian Crossing Quality remain “not applicable” despite changes to related attributes like Pedestrian Crossing Facilities? How can this issue be corrected?


You must also apply the changes in the Pedestrian Crossing Quality attribute in the demonstrator when testing scenarios with new Pedestrian Crossing Facilities. I hope this helps.

Thanks for your response. It’s right that I need to make the ped crossing quality as well. But my question (or can also be considered as feedback) was, for the after scenario once it considered the necessary countermeasures, Vida is generating unvalidated file. Though it changes attributes like “pedestrian crossing facilities”, the qualities remains as is “not applicable”, and similarly for the other attributes as well.

This can be something to be addressed to the system in the future.
